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MAAK! Reisbewijs 4+

The flag of Europe hangs in the Maasticht Museum. Where have you all been? We make our own passport and in it you can stamp all the countries you know and or have seen.

MAAK! is a monthly children's activity with a diverse and creative programme provided by art teachers Nicole Mulkens and Marlies de Jong. The same teachers but always a different subject and of course a book and/or the Maastricht Museum in the leading role.

MAAK! focuses its activities on children aged 6. If you are older or younger, you can of course still join. If you are younger (4 or 5 years old), your (grand)parent/supervisor will help you with the activity. In any case, one adult supervisor per family is welcome.

The workshop is in the youth studio, from 10:50h the door opens.
Subscription is required and can be done via publieksservice@maastricht.nl or call 043 350 5600


Sun 5 May 11:00 - 12:15

Avenue Céramique 50, Maastricht
